Friday, February 23, 2018

Guns First?

An article in the Wall Street Journal
Responding to Parkland: The one solution that works is shooting back at the shooters.
By: The Editorial post on February 15, 2018

This article starts by adding 19-year old Nikolas Cruz to the list of disturbing young men who have committed mass murders against other young men and women in their communities. Going on to name shooters involved in other awful incidents alike. Pointing out that all of these events have had two things in common: guns and mental illness. They give us three solutions to these issues. Speaking on behalf of what they call the do-something demand: They reassure us that gun control is not the issue here. The issue is the federal bureaucracies for fighting not to involuntarily institutionalize violent mentally ill patients who refuse treatment. Encouraging states to enact civil-commitment laws.  For the second half of the issue the post simply says, Shoot back. They back this statement by giving two examples, one from last November when a rifle instructor, with an AR-15, shot a suspect about to open fire on a church full of people. The other example in Garland, Texas when a security guard shot and killed two gunmen about carry out an ISIS inspired attack. The third possible solution is to train and arm individuals in institutions and schools.

            I think that the authors intended audience is geared towards supporters of the American Civil Liberties Union, and the National Rifle Association. One point they make is that when a situation like Parkland happens Liberals say gun control, but nothing ever comes of this. What they give us is a very right winged standpoint.

            I do not personally agree with these resolutions. The idea of conquering a war of weapons with weapons feels like the age old saying of, Don’t do as I do. Do as I say. I feel instead of arming teachers we would be wise to have policemen patrolling schools; highly trained individuals who are dedicated to protecting the lives of civilians. Not putting more guns in the hands of inexperienced citizens. Secondly Instead of detaining mentally ill patents we should implement stronger gun laws that don’t allow guns to wind up in the hands of the mentally distraught.

This article is strictly opinion based and didn’t have enough evidence to back its theories.

To read the article Responding to Parkland click here:

Friday, February 9, 2018

The Day Pig's Fly

An article by the New York Times
Published February 8th
Kansas officials scurry to reform the eligibility process to run for governor after six teenagers announce their bids last year to run for chief executive of the state.
The new bill states that candidates for governor must be eligible to vote in the sate and must be a resident of the state for at least four years. Representative Blake Carpenter who sponsored the bill said, “ I’m not discouraging them.” He’s even heard people in the past say a cat or dog could be on the ballot.
The main points these guys are trying to make are that they have ideas and they should be heard that’s what the basis of a republic was built on right? They are hoping that their running would be an opportunity to get more young people involved in the world of politics and “to strengthen the youth vote.” Mr. Ruzich 17, feels that there is a major crisis when it comes to young people in the Republican Party. Mr. Randleas who is also 17 refers to Ron and Rand Paul, Barry Goldwater even president Trump himself not having any experience and entering the election as a long shot. Randleas said, “I want to be like that, outside trying to make a difference. I’m not a career politician.”
I think this article is worth reading if you are looking for some inspiration and courage. The moral of the story is if you have a problem don’t just gripe about it get out and do something to make a difference.

Transparent Or Opaque

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