Friday, March 30, 2018

What to say when your neighbor comes over uninvited?

There are boundaries... 
When it comes to our states sovereignty I am in agreement that the United States, Mexican border is a threat. These boarders threaten our territory, safety and population by allowing thousands of illegal immigrants to pass from the Mexican side onto United States soil every year. In the 2016 presidential campaign Trumps main focus points was the building of a huge wall that covered the remaining 1,409 miles of unsecured boarders left over from president Bush's fence that was voted upon in 2006. 

Though in agreement to protect our sovereignty, I don't believe building a wall is the way to do so.
There are far more cons to building the wall than pros. These cons include strains on government resources and money, looking to cost anywhere from twelve to seventy billion dollars. There are ways around the wall not to mention the will power of the desperate and needy that will find a way to cross decreasing its effectiveness.  The wall without a doubt will disrupt and interfere with nature and wild life. And what about the message this wall sends to our neighbors? It’s not a good one! When Mexico was asked to pay for the wall President Enrique Pen Nieto said not "Mexico doesn't believe in walls".

I feel there are others ways to handle the problem of illegal immigration. Having a national database of authentic citizenship that works could allow us to determine citizenship. Not allowing illegal immigrants to obtain jobs until proof of citizenship, and penalizing businesses that hire without proof and be vigilant about it. 

Another way is to make obtaining citizenship easier. America needs immigrants they make up a large portion of our workforce not only taking jobs like some fret over but creating lots of jobs as well. Immigrants contribute to the livelihood of America and what we stand for. I feel like the wall sends a message saying stay out, you are not welcome. Instead we should welcome immigrants who have no criminal background and can pass specific screenings and drug test. If legal immigration were easier it would deter illegals from risking their lives to sneak in.

Lastly increasing security along the borders. Leaving the fence left from Bush's administration in the most threatened places and doubling the security. Not only would this decrease illegal immigration but it would also create government jobs for citizens. Win, Win!


The U.S. Government, what has it done for U.S.? said...

When Lollie used the word sovereignty in her latest blog post, I feel the context of this word is very important. Over the years, that word has been used by many different people, trying to fit into many different political agendas. Lollie is first arguing that the sovereignty of, “Our states” is being threatened, but then immediately puts this in context of being United States V.S. Mexico. This, in my opinion, negates the argument that our state's’ authority to govern itself-- be it protection, commerce or legalizing marijuana-- is in threat when the solution provided is the responsibility of the federal government.

I do agree that when President Trump talks about the wall, he is not talking about the safety of the citizens who he has been entrusted to protect, rather he is proposing the wall from a place of hate, fear, and bigotry. However, in arguing the cost of the wall v.s. The cost of increasing physical human presence, I do not believe the latter to be the cheaper option. While walls need rebuilding, they do not get sued for shooting and killing people, and border walls do not get retirement. While the strong presence of security is important, an actual wall spanning the entirety of Mexico is excessive and slightly dramatic.

Most importantly, however, which I believe you identify correctly, is that we do not need to keep people out of this country, we need a safe and secure system to let them in. Immigrants are the backbone of the success story of the United States, and to get rid of them, would cause an “inbred” of our citizenship, eventually leading to stagnation, no longer being challenged and pushed by new ideas and new people.

Thank you for your contribution, to what is seeming an endless argument on how to best protect the people of the U.S. while keeping the integrity we so proudly boast having.

Lollie Martin said...
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