Friday, March 30, 2018

What to say when your neighbor comes over uninvited?

There are boundaries... 
When it comes to our states sovereignty I am in agreement that the United States, Mexican border is a threat. These boarders threaten our territory, safety and population by allowing thousands of illegal immigrants to pass from the Mexican side onto United States soil every year. In the 2016 presidential campaign Trumps main focus points was the building of a huge wall that covered the remaining 1,409 miles of unsecured boarders left over from president Bush's fence that was voted upon in 2006. 

Though in agreement to protect our sovereignty, I don't believe building a wall is the way to do so.
There are far more cons to building the wall than pros. These cons include strains on government resources and money, looking to cost anywhere from twelve to seventy billion dollars. There are ways around the wall not to mention the will power of the desperate and needy that will find a way to cross decreasing its effectiveness.  The wall without a doubt will disrupt and interfere with nature and wild life. And what about the message this wall sends to our neighbors? It’s not a good one! When Mexico was asked to pay for the wall President Enrique Pen Nieto said not "Mexico doesn't believe in walls".

I feel there are others ways to handle the problem of illegal immigration. Having a national database of authentic citizenship that works could allow us to determine citizenship. Not allowing illegal immigrants to obtain jobs until proof of citizenship, and penalizing businesses that hire without proof and be vigilant about it. 

Another way is to make obtaining citizenship easier. America needs immigrants they make up a large portion of our workforce not only taking jobs like some fret over but creating lots of jobs as well. Immigrants contribute to the livelihood of America and what we stand for. I feel like the wall sends a message saying stay out, you are not welcome. Instead we should welcome immigrants who have no criminal background and can pass specific screenings and drug test. If legal immigration were easier it would deter illegals from risking their lives to sneak in.

Lastly increasing security along the borders. Leaving the fence left from Bush's administration in the most threatened places and doubling the security. Not only would this decrease illegal immigration but it would also create government jobs for citizens. Win, Win!

Friday, March 9, 2018

Misinformation Outrage

A blog on Media Matters
By: Alex Kaplan on March 9th, 2018.

Alex Kaplan is warning us to the misinformation and fake news problem that has grown immensely. He engages us by insisting that since the 2016 presidential election fake news is at an all time high. He tells us that certain platforms such as on-air and social media have largely escaped our scrutiny in the past but shouldn’t have. Kaplan points out that Media Matters where he does research at has encountered an extreme amount of fake news stories between December 2016 and February 2018. These stories were flagged by credited fact-checking websites such as Snopes, PolitiFact, and even mentioned in a Buzzed study of most viral fake stories of 2017 (a post focused on fake news articles specifically). These fake stories were spread by various radio stations- talk, sports and music. Kaplan informs us that the talk radio industry has had a misinformation problems for a while now but that the problem isn't limited to just talk radio. Music and sport stations are also trapped in made up content. 

Kaplan establishes his credibility by giving exact numbers of fake stories shared on North American and American on-air and social media platforms compared to Canadian platforms. He detects that out of 7,100 fake news stories shared that only about 9% of the cases were later issued acknowledgment of being misinformation. Kaplan includes over thirty imbedded links to fake news articles making it very hard to ignore the accusations he is reporting.

Media Matters is a left-leaning blog site. Kaplan's view is geared towards a liberal viewpoint. He states that most of the talk radio stations misinformation platforms are "popular with conservatives".

I agree with Kaplan that is has become a major problem. I feel that reporting stations have become lazy and lost integrity. It seems like one station airs false news and instead of researching the information before spreading it other stations jump on the wagon out of competition. Therefor, false news ends up spreading like wild fire and it could have all been avoided with a little research. These stations are to prideful to backtrack and honestly don’t mind spreading this misinformation because in their eyes it seems false information is better than no information. I feel like there is too much competition in our media and that is possibly a cause for the reason we are being so misguided. Kaplan has very realistic concerns in my opinion.

Transparent Or Opaque

If you are not familiar with the EPA “Environmental Protection Agency” of the U.S., it was officially started in 1970 by President Nixon as...